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Historical and Genealogical
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Note. — Roman numerals refer to the pages of the Supplement
Adams, James Trualow Notes on the families of Truslow, Horler, and Horley from English records noticed 241
Aldrich genealogy, descendants of George, in preparation 321
Alton genealogy, descendants of William, in preparation 81
Alvord, Clarence Walxcorth The centennial history of Illinois, vol. 1. The Illinois country, 1673-1818 noticed 82
Samuel Morgan A historical sketch of Bol- ton, Conn., for the Bolton bicentennial celebration, Sept. 4, 1920 noticed 82
American Historical Association, report, 1917 noticed 161
American Irish Historical Society, journal, vol. 18 noticed 161
Ancestry, endogamic, notice 317
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, tee PVee- masonry
Arden, JulietU Cole, 200-1920 A.D. noticed 241
Arnold, Fred Auffustut An account of the English homes of three early proprietors of Providence, William Arnold, Stukeley Westcott, and William Carpenter no- ticed 322
William, English home, in An account of the English homes of three early pro- prietors of Providence, by F. A. Arnold noticed 322
AUSTIN and variants
Austin, James Wtdker, biography, by W. Austin noticed 160 Walter James Walker Austin noticed 160
AuBTEN Jonas, notice 223
Avery, Samuel Putnam, notice Ixxx
Bachelor, Henry, notice 223 John, notice 223 Joseph, notice 223
Bacot genealogy, descendants of Pierre, in preparation 159
Bailey, Marietta (Peirce). notice Ixxx
Baker, Albert Clark Genealogy and history of the Baker, Andrus, Clark, and Adams families noticed 81 Howard Winfield, notice xlix
Baker genealogy, by A. C. Baker noticed 81
Bakersfield. Vt., epitaphs 12 98
Baldwin, Thomas Williams Vital records of Deerfield, Mass., to the year 1850 no- ticed 161 Vital records of Mendon, Mass., to the year 1850 noticed 161
Barker, Ellen Frye Frye genealogy noticed 81
Barnard, Franklin, notice Ixxviii
Barrell, Colbun, record of family 77
Bartlett, Joseph Gardner Leaders in the Win- throp fleet, 1630 236
Barton, William E. Abraham Lincoln and hid books. With selections from the writ- ings of Lincoln and a bibliography of books in print relating to Abranam Lincoln noticed 160
Baskervill, Patrick Hamilton _ Andrew Meade of 'Ireland and Virginia; his ancestors and some of his descendants noticed 322
Baxter, Hon. James Phinney, memoir with portrait and autograph 163
Beal, Louisa Jane (Adams), notice 1
Bemis, Alice Cogswell, memoir noticed 160
Benson, Rev. Ernest L. A pioneer family noticed 81
Benson genealogy, by E. L. Benson noticed
81 Berwick, Me., see North Berwick
Besbeech, Thomas, notice 224
Bidwell, Frederick David Bidwells in the World War noticed 240
Bidwell genealogy, by F. D. Bidwell noticed
240 Billington genealogy, family of Va., by A. B.
Clarke noticed 81
Blaine, John Ewing The Blaine family; James Blaine, emigrant, and his chil- dren, Ephraim, Alexander, William, Eleanor noticed 159
Blaine genealogy, descendants of James, by J. E. Blaine noticed 169
Bogart, Ernest Ludlow and C. M. Thompson The centennial history of Illinois, vol. 4. The industrial state, 1870-1893 noticed 82
Bolton, Mass., historical sketch, 1920, by S. M. Alvord noticed 82
Borden, Richard, notice of family 233
Borden baptisms, marriages, and burials from the parish registers of Headcorn, co. Kent, Eng., 1590-1631 230
Bowen genealogy, descendants of Richard, in preparation 321
Bradford, Gov. William, biography, by A. H. Plumb noticed 160
Brewster, William, life, in Old Pilgrim days, by L. H. Monk noticed 82
Bridgeman, Thomas, complaint against, by Sidrach Williams, 1626 234
Brooke, Robert, notice 224 Brookline, Mass., Walnut Street cemetery, epitaphs noticed 82
Brookline Historical Society, proceedings, 1919 noticed 82; 1921 noticed 242
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Index of Subjects
Brown, Frederick Wires, notice Ixxxiii
Col. W. C. Brown family, descendants of George of Chester Co., Pa. noticed 81
^fOv/n genealogy, descendants of George of Chester Co., Pa., by W. C. Brown no- ticed 81
genealogy, descendants of Nicholas, in preparation 321
Browne, William Bradford The Mohawk Trail, its history and course, together with an account of Fort Massachusetts and of the early turnpikes over Hoosac Mountain noticed 161
Buchah, Elizabeth (Severance), notice Ixix Bucke, John, notice 224 Susan, notice 224
Auckland, Mass., marriage intentions, 1793- 1820 302
Bunker, Aaron, notice 80
Burdick genealogy, descendants of Robert, in preparation 81
Burke, James of New Braintree, Mass., notice 239
Calef genealogy, descendants of Robert, in preparation 240
Calle, Thomas, notice 225
CAREWE and variants
Cabew, William alias Cooke, will 1572 280
Carewe baptisms, marriages, and burials from parish registers of Westhor[>e, co. Suf- folk. Eng. 281
Carewe alias Cooke, genealogical notice of descendants of Humphrey 288
Carpenter, William, English home, in An account of the English homes of three early proprietors of Providence, by F. A. Arnold noticed- 322
Carrington genealogy, descendants of John, in preparation 81
Carter, Thomas, will 1523 280
Cary genealogy, Devon, Eng. branch, 2 vols. noticed 159
Chase, George Bigelow, memoir xxxviii
Chase Chronicle, vol. 11, nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, 1920 noticed 159
Church genealogy, descendants of Capt. Samuel, by E. A. Emeus noticed 159
Clarke (e), Arthur B. Billington family no- ticed 81
Rev. Arthur March, notice xlvi
Dr. John, ancestry, English, and connec- tions 273
John, will 1559 275
John, will 1588 276
Robert, will 1573 275
Clark(e) baptisms, marriages, and burials from parish registers of Finningham. co. Suf- folk, Eng. 276
genealogical notice of descendants of John of Finningham, co. Suffolk, Eng. 278
genealogy, descendants of Lieut. Thaddeus. in preparation 321
genealogy, descendants of Lieut. William, in preparation 159
Coats of arms, see Heraldry
Coburn, Frank Warren The battle on Lexing- ton Common. April 19, 1775. reprint of lecture published in 1918, also a com- plete roster of Capt. John Parker's company rioticed 242
Coburn genealogy, descendants of Edward, in Genealogy of the Ellis family, by H. W. and A. S. Ellis noticed 81 genealogy, descendants of Nathaniel, in preparation 321
Coe, Dr. Thomas Upham, notice Ixxiv Cole genealogy, by J. Arden noticed 241 Congdon Chronicle, no. 1, 1921 noticed 241 COOKE and variants
Cooke, George, answer to complaint of George Cooke 287 Thomas, will 1472 280 William alias Carew, will 1572 280 Cooke baptisms, marriages, and burials from parish registers of Westhorpe, co. Suf- folk, Eng. 281
Cooke alias Carewe genealogical notice of de- scendants of Humphrey 288
Coolidge, Hon. Thomas Jefferson, memoir Ixxxv
Cope, Gilbert Ancestral chart of Gilbert Cope and Anna Garrett, his wife, 1879, with additions and corrections, 1920 noticed 159
Cope genealogy, ancestry of Gilbert Cope and Anna Garrett, by G. Cope, with addi- tions and corrections, 1920 noticed 159
Cotting, Charles Edward, notice Ixxii
Coward genealogy, descendants of Hugh, in preparation 159
Crow genealogy, descendants of John, in prepa- ration 24
Cummings, Harriet Alma Burials and inscrip- tions in the Walnut Street Cemetery of Brookline, Mass., with historical sketches of some of the persons buried there noticed 82
Daughters of the American Revolution, see Society of the Daughters of the Ameri- can Revolution
DAVIS and variants
Davis, Andrew McFarland, notice lix
Charles B. Proceedings at the centennial celebration of the Grand Lodge of Maine, Ancient Free and Accepted Ma- sons, held at Masonic Temple, Portland, Me., Feb. 5, 1920 noticed 162
Davies, Julien Tappan, notice Ixvi
Dean, Marvin Ansel, notice Ixxviii
Decatur genealogy, by W. D. Parsons noticed 241
Deerfield, Mass., vital records to 1850, by T. W. Baldwin noticed 161
Delano, Eugene, notice Ixi Warren, notice Ixxix
Delfshaven, Holland, Pilgrim Memorial Church, fund, notice 321
Denio, Herbert Williams Inscriptions in the town cemetery at the village of Bakers- field, Vt. 12 98
Dennis, Hon. Arthur Wellington, notice Ixxxviii
Doe, Elmer Ellsworth The an(^try of Elisha Goodwin of sixth generation of Goodwin family of Kittery, York Co., Me., and his descendants noticed 241
Dwight, Richard Henry Winslow, memoir with portrait and autograph 83
Eldridge, Shalor WincheU Publications of the Kansas State Historical Society, vol. 2 noticed 152
Ellis, Albert S. and Herbert W. Genealogy of the Ellis family from 1632 to 1920 and the Coburn family from 1618 to 1911 noticed 81 Herbert W. Chart showing the paternal and maternal ancestry of Stephen T. Ellis and wife, Elizabeth N. B. Coburn of Vineland, N. J. noticed 159
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Index of Subjects
Ellis genealogy, ancestry of Stephen T. Ellis and Elizabeth N. B. Coburn, by H. W. Ellis noticed 159 genealogy, descendants of Lieut, Richard, by H. W. and A. S. Ellis noticed 81
Emens, Etta A. Descendants of Capt. Samuel Church of Churchville noticed 159
Endogamio ancestry, notice 317
England, genealogical research in 57 129 226 273
Eno genealogy, New York branch noticed 241
Evans, Florence Carlton (Fowler), notice Ixzxiv
Fairbank, John J. Mitchell, notice Ivii
Fallass genealogy, descendants of William, in preparation 240
Farrand, Capt. Jonathan, note on family 182
Felt genealogy, by A. L. Holman noticed 241
Fiske, Andrew Report of the Committee to assiflt the Historian xv
Flagg, Charles Allcott, notice Iviii
Foster genealogy, descendants of Samuel of Kingston, Mass. 123
Fowle, Dennye. will 1579 228 Francis, will 1633 229 John, will 1515 227 Richard, will 1564 227 Richard, will 1572 228 Richard, will 1631 228 Thomas, will 1514 227 Thomas, will 1592 228 Thomas, will 1628 228 WUliam. wiU 1517 227
Fowle, baptisms, marriages, and burials from the parish registers of Frittenden, co. Kent, Eng.. 1563-1612 229 genealogical notice, descendants of Richard, of Frittenden, co. Kent. Eng. 231
Fox, Perlina S., record of family 40
Freeman, John.' answer to complaint of Sidrach WilUams, 1628 235
Freemasonry, Maine. Grand Lodge, proceed- ings. 1820-1920, by C. B. DaWs noticed 162
Frye genealogy, by E. F. Barker noticed 81
Fyfe, Dr. John William Some of the descen- dants of James Fyfe of Berlin, Mass. noticed 159
Fyfe genealogy, descendants of James of Ber- lin, Mass., by J. W. Fyfe noticed 159
Gardiner, Maj. Gen. Asa Bird, notice xlvi
Gibbs family, bulletin no. 1, Jan. 1921 noticed 169
Gifford genealogy, descendants of Osbern de Bolebeo 57 129
Gilbert, Eliza Howe A record of the Benjamin Gilbert branch of the Gilbert family in America (1620-1920) noticed 81
Gilbert genealo^. descendants of Benjamin, by E. H. Gilbert noticed 81
Glidden genealogy, descendants of Charles, in preparation 240
Goodspeed, Charles Eliot Report of the Com- mittee on Sale of Publications xv
Goodwin genealo^. ancestry of Elisha, by E. E. Doe noticed 241
Gould, George Lambert Report of the Com- mittee on Finance xiii Mrs. Irene Cynthia Christopher Woolley of Concord, Mass., and some of his de- scendants 29
Greenlaw, William Prescott Report of the Council xiii Report of the Librarian xix
Grew, Jane Norton (Wiggleaworth) , notice Ixv
Hall, Albert Harrison Hall Family Records. Dea. John Hall of Dover, N. H., and some of his descendants noticed 159
Hall genealogy, descendants of Dea. John of Dover, N. H., by A. H. Hall noticed 159
Hanks, Charles Stedman Our Plymouth fore- fathers, the real founders of our re- public noticed 82
Harris genealogy, by W. M. Mervine noticed 241
Hart, Charles Henry, notice xliv
Harvard University, Class of 1870, report of secretary, 1920, biographical sketches noticed 161 Class of 1913, report of secretary, 1920 no- ticed 161
quinquennial catalogue, 1636-1920 noticed 161
Hatch, William, notice 225
Hayward, Sarah Jane (Hale), notice Ixxii
Henkele. see Hinckley
Heraldry, coats of arms, recording of 80 158 240 321
Heralds* College, visitations, instructions for 238
Hicks, Rev. Lewis Wilder Charles Emelius
Lauriat 3 Frank Ernest Woodward 243 Memoirs of the New England Historic
Genealogical Society xxxviii Report of the Historian xxxiii
HINCKLEY and variante
Hinckley, Samuel, notice 225
Henkele, John, will 1484 238
Hitchcock, Edward, memoir, by F. Tuckerman
noticed 160
Holden, Raleigh Warner, notice xlviii
Holden genealogy, descendants of Richard, in preparation 240
Holman, Alfred Lyman A register of the an- cestors of Dorr Eugene Felt and Agnes (McNulty) Felt noticed 241
Holt, Benjamin, notice Ixxxix ••
Hooke, John, see Peerce, Marmaduke
Horton, Horace Ebenezer Ancestry of Horace Ebenezer and Emma (Babcock) Horton rvoticed 160
Horton ancestry, by H. E. Horton noticed 160
Howe, Herbert Barber George Rowland Howe, 1847-1917. A son's tribute. The record of a useful life and some genea- logical notes noticed 160
Howe genealogy, ancestry of George R., by H. B. Howe noticed 160
Howes, Mrs. Florence Reynolds Conant Report of the Committee on Increase of Mem- bership XV Report of the Special Comnriittee on En- dowment and Members xix
Huguenot Society of South Carolina, transac- tions, no. 25, 1920 noticed 162
Humphreys, Richard Clapp, notice xiii
Hutchins, Rev. Dr. Charles Lewis, notice Ixxv
Illinois, centennial, 1818-1918, report of the Centennial Commission, by J. P. Weber noticed 242 history, vol. 1, by C. W. Alvord noticed 82 history, vol. 4, by Bogart and Thompson no- ticed 82
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Index of Subjects
Jacobus, Donald Lines Edward Wooster of Derby, Conn., and some of his descend- ants 175
The Pierponts of North Haven, Conn. 89
William Punchard of New Haven, Conn. 309
Jenks, Rev. Henry Fitch, notice lii Jocelyn, Brig. Gen. Stephen Perry, notice Iv Johnson, Alfred Hon. James Phinney Baxter. A.M., Litt.D. 163 Edward, notice 225
Kansas State Historical Society, publications,
vol. 2, by S. W. Eldridge noticed 162 KERRICH and variants
Kerrich, George, will 1624 293 George, will 1633 293 George, will 1649 294 Margery, will 1630 293 Mary, will 1650 294 Mylea, will 1563 291 Thomas, will 1622 292 William, will 1552 290 WilUam, will 1593 292 William, will 1628 293
Kkrriche, Robert, will 1578 291
Kerrtch, Elizabeth, will 1522 290
Kerych, Joan, will 1517 290 John, will 1470 290 William, will 1504 290
Kerrich baptisms, marriages, and burials from parish registers of Bedfield and Saxsted, CO. Suffolk, Eng. 294 genealogy, descendants of William 297
Kidder Fund, report for 1920 xxvii
Kingsbury, Mrs. Edith Leonard Samuel Foster pt Kingston, Mass., Loyalist, and some of his descendants 123
Lamson, Albert Henry Report of the Com- mittee on the Library xvi
Latimer, Peter, notice 78
Lauriat, Charles Emelius, memoir with por- trait and autograph 3
Lexington, Mass., battle 1775, history, by F. W. Coburn noticed 242
Lincoln, Abraham and his books, by W. E. Barton noticed 160
Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland Report of the Corresponding Secretary xxi i
Lytle, Leonard Pedigree of Christopher and Mary Lytle noticed 241
Lytle genealogy, descendants of Christopher and Mary, by L. Lytle noticed 241
McCarthy genealogy, by M. J. O'Brien noticed 241
Mclntyre, Frank Palmer, notice Ixx
Macy, Dr. William Austin, notice xliii
Maiden Historical Society, register, 1919-1920 noticed 82
Manley, Henry, memoir noticed 82
Marble, Joseph Russel, notice Ixxxii
Marland, Salome Jane (Abbott), notice Ixxvi
Martin genealogy, descendants of George, by C. Shepard noticed 241
Martyn, Charles The life of Artemas Ward noticed 322
Massachusetts Court, General, acts and re- solves, 1920 noticed 161 supervisor of public records, report, 1920 noticed 161
Massachusetts, Colonial Society of, publica- tions, vols. 20, 21, and 22 noticed 162
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Class of 1895, 25th anniversary report noticed lol
War Record, 1914-1919 noticed 161 M&yo, Lawrence Shaw John Wentworth, Governor of New Hampshire, 1767-1775 noticed 322
Meade genealogy, descendants of Andrew of Ireland and Va., by P. H. Baskervill noticed 322
Mendon, Mass., vital records to 1850, by T
W. Baldwin noticed 161 Merriam, John McKinstry Report of the
Committee on Papers iind Essays xviii Merrill, Dr. Cyrus Strong A contribution to the
genealogy of the Merrill family in
America noticed 160
Merrill genealogy, by C. S. Merrill noticed 160 Mervine, William M. Harris, Dunlop, Valen- tine and allied families noticed *241
Michigan military records, by S. I. Silliman noticed 82
Miles, Jonas Michael, notice Ix
The Mohawk Trail, history and course, by W. B. Browne noticed 161
Monk, Mrs. Lillian Hoag Old Pilgrim days noticed 82
Moody, Herbert A. Moody family, descend- ants of William of Ipswich, Eng., and Newbury, Mass. noticed 241
Moody genealogy, descendants of William of Ipswich, Eng., and Newbury, Mass., by H. A. Moody noticed 241
More Historical Journal, vol. 2, no. 6, June and August, 1920 noticed 160
Morehead, John Motley The Morehead family of North Carolina and Virginia noticed 241
Morehead genealogy, by J. M. Morehead no- ticed 2'i\
Morgan, Samuel Tate, notice Ixii
Morgan genealogy, descendants of Francis, by A. N. Sims noticed 160
Moriarty, George Andrews, Jr. Genealogical research in England 67 129 226 273
Morton, Hon. Levi Parsons, notice Ixvii
Moseley, Charles William, notice xci
Mulliner, Richard, answer to complaint of Nicholas Rainberd 284
National Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America. Lineage Book, vol. 9, 1921 noticed 242
National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, official bulletins, vol. 14, 1919-1920, and vol. 15, no. 1, 1920 noticed 162; vol. 15, no. 4, 1921 noticed 242
New England, passengers for, 1635-1637, lists 217
New England Historic Genealogical Society, Charter and enabling acts xcv
Committee on Collection of Records, rei>ort for 1920 xvii
Committee on English Research, report for 1920 xvi
Committee on Epitaphs, report for 1920 xvii
Committee on Finance, report for 1920 xiii
Committee on Heraldry, report for 1920 xvi
Committee on Increase of Membership, re- port for 1920 XV
Committee on the Library, report for 1920 xvi
Committee on Papers and Essays, report for 1920 xviii
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Index of Subjects '
New England, etc. cont'd
Committee on Publications, report for 1920
Committee on Sale of Publications, report
for 1920 rv Committee on Ways and Means, report for
1920 liv Committee to Assist the Historian, report
for 1920 XV Corresponding Secretary, report for 1920
xxi Council, report for 1920 xiii Historian, report for 1920 xxxiii history, 184&-1920 65 Librarian, report for 1920 xix Memoirs, 1902, 1910, 1912, 1914, 1918. 1919
1920 xxxviii Necrology for 1920 xxxiii Officers and committees for 1921 v Pilgrim Tercentenary members, 63 75 155 ix Proceedings, 1920 63; 1921 155 237 315 ix Special Committee on Endowment and
Members, report for 1920 xix Treasurer, report for 1920 xxviii
New England Society in the City of New York, 115th anniversary, proceedings noticed 242
New York State Historical Association, Quar- terly Journal, vol. 1, nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5 noticed 162
Newbold, Arthur Emlen, notice Ixx
Newport Historical Society, bulletins, noa. 31 32, 33, and 34 noticed 162
North Berwick, Me., Friends' records 5
O'Brien, Michael J. The McCarthys in early American history noticed 241
Pacheuxy, Joseph, notice 225
PALMER and variants
Palmer, Julius, notice Ix William, notice 79
William Lincoln, ancestry, chart, revised edition, 1921 noticed 160
Paulmer, William, marriage 1609 158
Palmer genealogy, descendants of William of Watertown, Mass., and Hampton, N. H., additions and corrections 318
Parmenter, James Parker Report of the Com- mittee on Publications xv
Parsons. William Decatur The Decatur gene- alogy noticed 241
Paulmer, see Palmer
Peerce, tee Pierce
Peirson, Brig. Gen. Charles Lawrence, notice I
Pepperrell, Sir William, memorial noticed 82
Perkins, Edward Cranch, notice xliii
Rev.- Nathan, diary, April 27 to June 1789 noticed 160
Perkins genealogy, descendants of John, by W, W. Scott noticed 241
PIERCE and variants
Pierce, Wallace Lincoln, notice Iv
Peerce, Marmaduke, notice 225
Pierpont genealogy, descendants of John of North Haven, Conn. 89
Pilgrims, history, by L. H. Monk noticed 82 landing at Plymouth, 300th anniversary, celebrated by the Pilgrim Tercentenary Commission of Massachusetts, De- cember 21, 1920, exercises noticed 242
Plumb, Albert H. William Bradford of Ply- mouth noticed 160
Plymouth forefathers, history, by C. S. Hanks noticed 82
Pope, John, notice 225
Powel, Mary E. Miss Jane Stuart, 1812-1888, her grandparents and parents noticed 241
Prendergast, James Maurice, notice Ixixix
Punchard genealogy, descendants of William of New Haven, Conn., 309
Putnam, Eben Two ' early passenger lists , 1635-1637 217
Rackemann, Charles Sedgwick Richard Henry Winslow Dwight 83
RAINBERD and variants
Rainberd, Nicholas, complaint against Richard Mulliner, 1588 284
Ratnberde, Nicholas, complaint against George Cooke 285
Reynolds meeting of family, 1920 noticed 160
Rhoades, Nelson Osgood, ancestry, by Nelson
Osgood Rhoades noticed 322
Rhode Island Historical Society Collections, vol. 13, 1920 noticed 162
Rice, George Tilley, notice Ixxxi Richardson, WHliam Streeter Report of the
Committee on Ways and Means xiv Robbins, Royal Elisha, notice xl
Rochester genealogy, descendants of Nicholas, in preparation 321
Roundy genealogy, descendants of Philip, in preparation 81
Rountree, Ellen Josephine (Turner) (Craw- ford), notice xo
Sargent, Hugh, record of family 57 ,■
Sargent genealogy, descendants of Hugh 138
Savage, Capt. John, memoir, by M. O. Vaudry noticed 322
Schouler, James, notice Ixiii
Scott, Henry Edwards Report of the Com- mittee on English Research xvi William Walter "Gentleman" John Perkins noticed 241
Scribner, Emma Ann (Shepherd), notice xci
Shepard, Charles The Martin family of Ipswich, Mass. noticed 241 The Wildes family of Burlington County, N. J. noticed 81
Shepard genealogy, descendants of Ralph, in preparation 159
Silliman, Site Imogene Michigan military records noticed 82
Sims, Annie Noble Francis Morgan, an early Virginia Burgess and some of his de- scendants noticed 160
Sinnott, Mary Elizabeth, notice xlviii
Smith, Edward Leodore Rev. Ralph Smith, first settled minister of Plymouth, 1629-1636 noticed 322
Rev. Ralph, first settled minister of Ply- mouth, 1629-1636, memoir, by E, L. Smith noticed 322
Susan Augusta, notice liv
Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California, historian's report, 1920 no- ticed 162
Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Faneuil Hall Chapter, list of officers and members, 1919-1921 noticed 242 Remembrance Book, Jan., 1921 noticed 242 Samuel Ashley chapter, Claremont, N. H., officers and members, 1920-1921 noticed 82
Society of the Sons of the Arnerican Revolu- tion, Conn., Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth branch, publication no. 3 noticed 162
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Index of Subjects
Society of Sons of the Revolution, California, roster, 1921 noticed 162
Society of Sons of the Revolution, New York, reports and proceedings, 1919-1920 noticed 242
Society of Sons of the Revolution, Pennsyl- vania, proceedings, 1919-1920 noticed 162
Sons of the American Revolution, 8ee Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
Sons of the Revolution, see Society of Sons of the Revolution
Soule, Horace Homer, notice Ivii
Southard, Dr. Elmer Ernest, notice liii
Spice, Christian, notice 226
Sprague, Hon. Henry Harrison, notice Ixxiii
Stackpole, Everett Schermerhorn History and
genealogy of the Stackpole family, 2d
edition noticed 160
Stackpole genealogy, by E. S. Stackpole, 2d edition noticed 160
Stamforth, Mary, marriage, 1609 158
Standish, Mylea Repxort of the Committee on Epitaphs xvii
Starr(e), Comfort, notice 226 Thomas, notice 226
Stetson, Eliot Dawes, notice xcii
STEWART and variants
Stewart, George Sawin Records of the First Church of WeUs, Me. 42 104 310
Stuakt family, by M. E. Powel noticed 241
Story, Frederick Washington, notice Irxix
Stuart, see Stewart
SuflBeld, Conn., celebration of 250th anniver- sary 1920, proceedings noticed 161
Thatcher, Charles Milton, notice Ixix
Thompson, Charles Manfred and E. L. Booart The centennial history of Illinois, vol. 4. The industrial state, 1870-1893 noticed 82
Josiah H. Autobiography of Dea. John Thompson of Mercer, Me., with genea- logical notes of his descendants noticed 241
Thompson genealogy, descendants of Dea. John of Mercer, Me., by J. H. Thomp- son noticed 241
Thorndike, Charles, notice xli
Tilden, Nathaniel, notice 226
Tinkham genealogy, descendants of Ephraim, in preparation 321
Tobey, Rev. Rufus Babcock, notice 1
Townsend, Sarah Cornelia, notice Ivi
Truslow genealogy, by J. T. Adams noticed
241 Tucker, Charles Edwin, notice xlviii
Tuckerman, Frederick President Edward Hitcncock noticed 160
Turner genealogy, descendants of Humphrey, in preparation 321
Vaudry, Mary 0. A sketch of the life of Capt. John Savage. J. P., first settler in Shef- ford Co., 1792. Also the early history of St. John's Church, West Shefford, Que., 1821-1921 noticed 322
Vineland Historical Magazine, vol. 4 noticed 242
Walker, Grant, notice Ixii
Walworth, Arthur Clarence, notice Ixxi
Wanzer, William David History of the Wan-
zer family in America noticed 160 Wanzer family, by W. D. Wanzer noticed 160
Ward, Artemas, biography, by C. Martyn no- ticed 322
Watkins, Walter KendaU Report of the Com- mittee on Collection of Records xvii
Weber, Jessie Palmer 1818-1918. The cen- tennial of the State of Illinois. Report of the Centennial Commission noticed 242
Weeks genealogy, descendants of Leonard of Greenland, N. H., in preparation 322
Weld, Rev. Dr. Charles Richmond, notice xlv
Wells, Me., First Church records 42 104 310
Wentworth, John, biography, by L. S. Mayo noticed 322
West, Charles Alfred, notice Ixxxii
Westcott, Stukeley, English home, in An account of the English homes of three early proprietors of Providence, by F. A . Arnold noticed 322
Weston, Robert Dickson Report of the Com- mittee on Heraldry xvi Thomas, notice Ixv
Wheeler, Samuel Hickok, notice Ixxxiv
Wildes genealogy, descendants of Abraham, by C. Shepard noticed 81
Williams, Sidrach, complaint against John
Freeman, 1628 234 complaint against Thomas Bridgeman,
1626 234 Williams College, general catalogue of the
officers and graduates, 1920 noticed 161
Winchester, Walter Clark, notice Ixxvii Wing genealogy, in The Owl, vol. 21, nos. 1-4
noticed 160 Winthrop, Gov. John, leaders in his fleet, 1630
list 236 Withington, Frederic Scherer Henry Withing-
ton of Dorchester, Mass., and some of
his descendants 142 196 246 John, record of family 79 Withington genealogy, descendants of Henry
of Dorchester, Mass. 142 196 246
Woodman genealogy, descendants of Edward of Newbury, Mass., in preparation 322
Woods, Jonathan, record of family 239
Woodsome, Clara Willma (Smith), notice Ixxvi
Woodward, Frank Ernest, memoir with por- trait and autograph 243
Woolley genealogy, descendants of Christopher of Concord, Mass. 29; additions and corrections 319
Wooster genealogy, descendants of Edward 175
Wright, Rodney Prescott, notice Ixviii
Wyatt, James Bosley Noel The Wyatt family of Baltimore noticed 81
Wyatt genealogy, by J. B. N. Wyatt noticed 81
Yale University, Class of Seventy, 50th anni- versary report noticed 241 Yemans, Maj. Herbert William, notice H York, Me., history, by Dr. Charles Edward Banks, in preparation 158
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CHARLES EMELIUS LAURIAT By Rev. Lewis Wilder Hicks, M. A., of Wellesley, Mass.
Charles Emelius Lauriat, bookseller, a resident member ©f the New England Historic Genealogical Society from 1868 until his resignation in 1874 and again from 1916 until his death, died at his home, 1120 Beacon Street, Brookline, Mass., 12 February 1920, in the seventy-ninth year of his age. He had been confined to his house since New Year's Day; but his illness was not regarded as critical, and he was able to consider matters of business until shortly before his death.
He was born in Boston 12 January 1842, the son of Emelius Anselm, also a native of Boston, and Martha (Foster) Lauriat, who was born at Lancaster, Mass., the daughter of Benjamin and Martha (Shedd) Foster.
His grandfather, Louis Anselm Lauriat, was born at Marseilles, France, in 1786, and came to this country about 1800. In 1807 he married Sarah Dennis of Salem. He was a goldbeater by trade, and occupied a building on Washington Street, Boston, at the comer of Springfield Street, from about 1822 to 1836. He was a distinguished scientist in his day, and an enthusiastic aeronaut, making the second ascension in a balloon ever made in this country. He made many ascensions in this country, his forty-fifth — one of the last — being on 25 August 1842. As there were no gas mains at that time in the city, he was obliged to manufacture the gas with which his balloons were inflated.* In the Boston Evening Transcript of 5 June 1838 he is quoted as saying:
"It is confidently believed by many that the time is not distant when the science of aerostation will be brought to such perfection that the aeronaut will be able to vary his course and take a direction at will so as to reach a given point and distance in safety and with despatch, as ships are navi- gated on the ocean, against contrary winds.''
Late in the forties he went to California, was there during the days of the gold rush, and had a general store at Oak Shade, Horse Shoe Bar, on the American River. He came back to Boston once more, but returned to California, and died at Sacramento in 1857.
•There is an account of Mr. Lauriat's ascensions in Boston Notions, published in 1848, p. 209. VOL. LXXV. 1
4 Charles Emelius Lauriat [Jan.
Charles Emelius Lauriat attended the Phillips Grammar School in Boston, and on graduating found employment in William Veazie's bookstore, which for years was one of the best known stores of its kind on Cornhill. In 1860 he became connected with the book- store of William H. Piper & Company, which was situated at 131-133 Washington Street, at the head of Water Street, and he remained with this firm for ten years, rising to the position of manager. In August 1872 he formed a partnership with the late Dana Estes under the firm name of Estes & Lauriat, publishers and booksellers, their bookstore being situated at 299-305 Washington Street, oppo- site the Old South Church. In the great Boston fire in the follow- ing November the building narrowly escaped destruction, the fire extending to the corner of Milk and Washington Streets, and it was deemed necessary to move the stock of books to Beacon Hill, in order to ensure their safety. In 1898 Mr. Lauriat took over the retail department of Estes & Lauriat and formed the Charles E. Lauriat Company, of which he was President until his death. In 1906 the business was moved to its present location, 385 Washing- ton Street.
The business conducted by Mr. Lauriat was successful from the start, and the Charles E. Lauriat Company became widely known as one of the leading bookselling houses in the country. In the course of his career as a bookseller Mr. Lauriat made numerous trips to Europe, his first one being in 1873 in the old Cunard steamer Atlas. He crossed the Atlantic more than sixty times in all. He was one of the first American buyers to go to London to make exten- sive purchases of old and rare books in the London market, and he became a familiar figure there.
His charming personality, distinguished figure, business abihty, and integrity gained for him multitudes of friends, and many of the most prominent men in the literary, religious, and political life of New England a generation ago, including Oliver Wendell Holmes, Edward Everett Hale, PhilUps Brooks, and James G. Blaine, fre- quented his bookstore, sought his advice, and became his patrons.
Mr. Edwin A. Grozier, a lifelong friend of Mr. Lauriat's, in his newspaper, The Boston Post, of 14 February 1920, wrote:
"By "the death of Charles E. Lauriat, Boston loses a veteran bookseller and publisher who valued his calling as a profession — and, indeed, made it so. For 58 years he carried on .the culturing and illuminating business of finding and selling the best of the world's literature, and he knew every angle of the trade for which he stood as a mentor and guide.
"Such a man as Mr. Lauriat does a very great pubUc service, not only in making possible the possession of rare and costly books, but in creating an atmosphere of 'homeness' that was and is a char- acteristic of his store. The student is welcome there; the expert on first editions always feels at ease there and the great average booklover realizes that what Mr. Lauriat estabUshed has not been allowed to depart.
"The frequenter of his bookstore will feel a loss in seeing no more the stalwart and kindly presence of Charles E. Lauriat."
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1921] Friends^ Records at Berwick, Me. -5
At the time of his death Mr. Lauriat was the oldest active book- seller in the trade in Boston.
For thirty-four years Mr. Lauriat was a director of the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company of Boston, and for many years he was the senior member of the board. In the New England Historic Genealogical Society he was a member of the Committee on Sale of Pubhcations for the years 1917, 1918, and 1919, and was appointed by the Council for a fourth year on this committee the day before he died. He was a member of the Boston Art Club and of the Unitarian Club, and was for forty years active in the Second Church in Boston, serving on its Standing Committee. To this church the members of his family have presented a memorial tower clock, which was installed with appropriate exercises on 29 May 1920. In politics Mr. Lauriat was a Republican. Besides his Brook- line residence he had a simimer home at Squirrel Island, Me.
Mr. Lauriat married, 13 November 1867, Harriet FideUa Page, daughter of Cyrus and Susan Elvira Page of Bedford, Mass., who survives him, together with three children, Susan Foster, wife of Professor Alfred Church Lane of Tufts College, Charles E. Lauriat, Jr., who succeeds his father as President of the Company, and Blanche, wife of George W. Chandler of New York.
[Continued from vol. 73, page 128]
[Records op the Berwick Monthly Meeting: I, 1802-1832, continued*]
29, 11 mo. 1805. Our Esteemed friend Able Thomas attended this meet- ing, with a certificate from the monttily meeting of monallen Indorsed by the Quarterly meeting of warrington, Pensylvania, Expressive of their unity with him as a minister — also our Esteemed friend Amos Lee, with a certificate from the monthly meeting of Exeter, Pensylvania, Expressive of their unity with him as a minister. [47]
To Vassalboro monthly meeting. Jedediah Jepson having Removed with his family within the compass of your monthly meeting, he, with his wife Margeret, and their children, Susanna, Mary, Lowis, Lydia, Abner, Judith, Ohver, Margeret, & Elizabeth, are members of this meeting. Said Susanna and Mary, being of adult age, appear clear of Marriage Engag- ments. We recommend the said family. On behalf of Berwick monthly meeting, 28, 2 mo. 1806. Paul Rogers, Elizabeth Neal, Clerks. [50]
28, 2 mo. 1806. Benjamin Fry hath been in the practice of using profane
•The records of the Berwick Monthly Meeting were kept in large books, separate from the so-called "Record of Membership" and the marriage certificates. The first of these books begins with the meeting of 25, 7 mo. 1802 and ends with the meeting of 25, 5 mo. 1832. Abstracts have been made for this article of such entries in these books as contain historical information of im- portance, removal certificates, or other material useful in genealogical research. The figures in brackets that follow the abstracts refer to the pages of the original records where the respective entries may be found.
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6 Friends' Records at Berwick^ Me. [Jan.
language, and, he being gone from us, the clerk is Directed to forward a coppy of this minute to Vassalboro monthly meeting, where we are Informed the said Benjamin Resides. [51]
To the monthly meeting of Fahnouth. John Rogers being gone to Reside within the compass of your monthly meeting, he is a member of our meet- ing, and we know not but that he is clear of marriage Engagments amongst us. We Recommend him. Given forth at a monthly meeting held at Berwic[k], 28, 3 mo. 1806. Paul Rogers, Clerk. [52]
To Vassalborough monthly meeting. Elizabeth Varney and her sons Ephraim and Ebenezar and Daughter mary having Removed to settle in the compass of your meeting and Requested our certificate for themselves and two younger children of said Elizabeth, namly, Richard and Jona- than,* they being all members of our meetmg and clear of marriage Engage- ments, we Reccommend them. On behalf of Berwick monthly meetmg held 28, 3 mo. 1806. Paul Rogers, Elizabeth Neal, Clerks. [53]
To Vassalborough monthly meeting. Obediah Hussey has Removed within the compass